A college friend who is expecting her first child posted on Facebook today asking for advice on baby gear. When I was pregnant, I too was seeking all of the advice that I could get on this topic, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to write about my favorite baby things. As always, I am not an expert. The following are based on my experiences only.
Baby must-haves
1. My absolute number 1 baby item is the
HALO sleepsack swaddle. B slept SO much better when swaddled, and this clever design kept him warm and was much harder to Houdini out of than a blanket (plus those get too small FAST.) The sizing is generous, so I would definitely start with a newborn, in fleece or cotton depending on when your baby is due. Actually I would recommend getting two, so that one can be in the wash, but you may want to start with one to be sure that you like it.
2. My second favorite baby item was B's
Jumperoo. This item is for the 4-8 months time frame, but during that time it was invaluable for keep him contained and entertained so that I could get things done.
The remainder of the list is in no particular order
3. Bouncy seat or similar. We had a bouncy seat and not a swing (I felt they were redundant). The bouncy seat had the advantage of being easy to carry around the house. I wouldn't say he loved it, but a place to keep him safe as a newborn is important.
4. You can never have enough bibs, washcloths, and burp cloths. They get dirty quickly. We now use washcloths to clean up before and after eating, so I prefer the thinner ones for getting between little fingers. For bibs go with the
Carter's teething bibs or something similar. These bibs have plastic between the two fabric sides. If you have a real droller he'll soak through an all-fabric bib in a matter of minutes.
5. Diapers: a no-brainer, but I would not get a ton. It seems like different kids do better in different brands, so you'll have to experiment to see which works best for you. When you decide, try using Amazon's subscribe and save. Also, I write from the perspective of someone whose child was 8 lb 7 oz at birth, but you may not need many in the newborn size. We also cloth diaper, which I'm happy to answer questions about, but I do recommend using disposables for the first few weeks anyway.
6. Travel system. The hospital won't let you leave without a new (they have expiration dates) infant car seat. The kind that comes out of the base and then snaps right into the stroller makes things so much easier. We loved our
Chicco Cortina. You can get this system with a car seat that is rated up to 30 lbs (v. 22) but it still has a maximum length of 30 inches. If you have a long child the extra expense is not worth it.
7. Playard. We got the
Graco with a "newborn napper" and used it as a bassinet while B slept in our room (the first four months). It was the perfect height. I feel obliged to tell you that the bassinet top does not meet the AAP's guidelines for safe sleep as it is not perfectly flat nor perfectly firm. I was pretty uptight about these guidelines, but in this case feel like they're a little over the top. That's your decision. If you have generous friends, you may want to consider registering for 2 playards. Since B hasn't gotten active we've purchased a second so that we have one on each floor.
8. Clothing. Until baby's belly button falls off it seems most practical to keep him in one piece outfits. Stock up on sleepers and rompers, wait on the cute little outfits. With rompers you'll need socks, I find
this kind ($1/pair in stores) to stay on the best. If it's cold, you might want to layer, side-snap t-shirts are the easiest and again don't fit tightly against the umbilical cord stump.
Carter's are the best; you can go ahead and stock up on bodysuits (commonly called Onesies but technically that is a brand name made by Gerber- they run very small) in larger sizes.
9. Healthcare items. One of the best gifts I got, that I didn't register for, was a tub full of healthcare items (it's nice to have pediatrician friends). Some of the items were: a rectal thermometer (yes, that's the kind you're supposed to use), infants' acetaminophin (it says 2-3 years, but that's the right one), infants' ibuprofen (but you can't use this until 6 months of age),
vitamins, and a tub of Triple Paste. I also recommend Vaseline for a boy (circumcision care), rubbing alcohol wipes, safety swabs, and a comb and a brush (and a bowl full of mush).
If you're planning on breast-feeding (and I hope you are!)
1. A
Boppy with an extra cover. In addition to saving your arms during nursing, your baby can lie in it (supervised-soft pillows are a SIDS risk). Again, we ended up with 2 of these- one for upstairs and one for downstairs.
2. A breast pump. I have this
Medela. They're expensive, so if you can rent or borrow, go ahead. You should be able to get new tubing from your hospital.
3. Bottles. I know this one seems counter-intuitive, but give yourself a break and start having your partner give your child a bottle after nursing is established (2-4 weeks). If not, you'll end up with a child who won't take the bottle and you'll be on a short leash. This is another one where you'll need to determine your child's preference, so don't buy too many of any one kind.
4. Lanolin and nursing pads. For your own comfort.
5. Nursing camis. It may be difficult to buy nursing bras while you're unsure what your size will be (although you may want to try). Luckily a soft cami will go well with your
momiform .
We didn't have:
-A diaper pail. Well, we do for cloth, but for disposables we just use a regular trash can with a lid.
-A playmat/gym. We used blankets. And toys.
-A wipe warmer. Really? You're still using cold wipes when you're away from the changing table.
-A Bumbo.
- A video monitor. But I kind of wish we did.
A few other random tips:
If you're a knowledge-junkie like me, try
Heading Home with Your Newborn or
Baby 411. Both are easy to read and informative without being preachy.
You will probably get a lot of toys, books, blankets, hooded towels, and 3-6 month clothes whether or not you register for them. You shouldn't need more than one pack of receiving blankets anyway. You may want to hold off on buying these things.
I didn't love the Baby Bjorn. Not because he was dangling, but because at 4 months and 16 lbs he was already a back-breaker. I think I'm going to try an Ergo next time.
Pacifiers are another item that is up to your baby's preference, so don't buy too many of any one kind until you know what he likes/if he likes them at all. B and many of my friends' babies preferred the
Avent kind that they use in the hospital, not the traditional Binky.
And for you, Mom. For a vaginal delivery, I recommend stocking up on Tucks and maxi pads (the fat old-fashioned kind). Also, take home as many of the ice-pack-maxi-pads from the hospital as you can. I know it sounds strange, but trust me, you will come to think of them as friends. Finally, regardless of delivery method, you will want quick and easy meals. Stock your freezer, and don't be afraid to suggest that friends bring you dinner if they ask what you need.
This list is way too long, and there is grunting coming from the nursery (oh, joy). What are your favorite/least favorite baby items?