Monday, March 5, 2012

Bye-bye, boobie

On Saturday, B will be 15 months old.  That is the date I have set to stop breastfeeding.

It's time.  It's no longer as enjoyable for either of us as it once was.  I'm looking forward to enjoying wine with dinner again! And I am so over pumping.

Still, it's a big milestone.

I never saw myself Extended Breastfeeding (EBF).  I always said that it stopped with the first birthday cake.  But here's the thing: I loved it.  He loved it.  What's not to love?

First and perhaps most importantly, breastfeeding is an incredible bonding activity.  Your baby's skin is next to yours, and first the first 6 months, you are providing all of the nutrition that your baby needs.  That's amazing, right?  This time is incredibly soothing for your child.  It can calm him, put him to sleep, and fill his belly.

Although we're winding down, I was really glad that I was still breastfeeding this past weekend when B was sick.  He was absolutely miserable and nothing seemed to soothe him, but nursing still did the trick.

Of course, it's also free and so convenient.  Nothing to buy, no bottles and coolers to carry; the food is always available.

Besides being soothing, breastfeeding provides your baby with antibodies that aren't found in formula. These antibodies lower your child's risk of SIDS, ear infections, stomach viruses and respiratory infections, asthma, diabetes, obesity, and childhood leukemia! (

As if that's not enough, breastfeeding can also lower mom's risk of diabetes, breast and ovarian cancer, and postpartum depression.  Plus it helps you lose weight! I know I've joked before about weight loss being the main reason to breastfeed.  You know what?  It doesn't matter if it is.  No matter what your primary motivation, your baby is still getting all of the benefits!

So while it's time to move on, I'm sad to stop breastfeeding too.  We were a great team.  We had so many special moments with him curled up against my chest.  Sure, there were moments when I felt chained to the house or to the pump, but they were a small price to pay for all of the benefits for both of us.

Bye-bye, boobies.

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